Oven-Baked Rotisserie Chicken

Oven-Baked Rotisserie Chicken

Craving Rotisserie Chicken? Here’s your easy answer! Super simple recipe ... and homemade too. What could be better? Just think of what you can do with the leftovers too! Yum!!

Oven-Baked Rotisserie Chicken

Yield: 4 – 6 servings


One 5 – 5 1/2 pound whole chicken

1/4 cup onion, chopped
1/2 lemon, quartered or sliced
5 cloves garlic, halved

Vegetable or olive oil spray

2 teaspoons kosher or sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon smoked Spanish paprika

1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning
Olive oil

Equipment needed:

5 – 6 quart Dutch oven or large pot with lid

Cutting board
Chef knife
Measuring spoons

Small bowl for seasonings

I always enjoy the convenience of buying a rotisserie chicken at the grocery store, but many times they run out by the time I get there. Was so disappointed one day that I decided to make my own. I researched many recipes online and after numerous attempts, here is the recipe I settled on. Really is pretty easy and uses staples I always have in my panty or refrigerator too.

Preheat the oven for 275 - 300 F.

So many people are grossed out by whole chicken... Not me! You can do so much with a whole chicken too! I usually get at least 3 meals. Roast it for one, pull the meat off and make a casserole or chicken salad for two, and boil the carcass off to make soup for three. If you’re lucky, you might get another lunch too. Now that’s spending your money wisely! To start this recipe all you have to do is unwrap the chicken and rinse it under cold running water... inside and out. Drain it upside down for a few seconds and pat it dry with a paper towel. Spray the Dutch oven or pot with oil. Now that was easy... No?

Now that the chicken is clean, place the chopped onion, lemons and garlic inside the cavity. I often place a little of each at a time to sort of mix them up too. If you’d like you can tie the legs together to close the cavity, but not necessary. To prepare the skin for the seasoning, carefully guide your fingers in under the breast skin and slowly move them all around the top and then the legs and thighs. This will release the skin from the meat and give room for the seasonings. If you’ve never done this before it is a bit weird feeling... but the flavor of the seasonings up against the meat as it bakes is amazing! After this step wash and thoroughly dry your hands. Stir up the seasonings in a small bowl and divide it in half. Spoon half of the seasoning under the skin and using your fingers, push it under the skin to reach all areas of the chicken. Try not to tear the skin, but if you do ... no worries. Takes practice! Place the chicken in the oiled pot.

The chicken is almost ready! All you have left is to season the outside. Start by drizzling olive oil (~ 2 tablespoons) over the surface and rubbing it in to cover the exterior surface. Sprinkle the remaining seasoning all over the oil and rub it to coat well. Cover the Dutch oven and place it in a preheated 275 – 300 F oven. Set your timer for 2 hours… sit back and relax. When the timer goes off (and your house smells amazing), remove the lid and increase the oven to 325 F. Bake another 10 - 15 minutes. Chicken will be golden brown and juicy. If concerned with doneness, a ready-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the breast/thigh region should register 165 F. Also, juices should run clear. The chicken will continue to cook for a few minutes when removed from the oven too, especially if the lid is kept on. Keeps in the heat until serving too!

Dinner is ready! Doesn’t your Rotisserie Chicken look and smell divine? You can cut off parts of the chicken in the pot or carefully remove the chicken to a serving platter. I use a large serving fork and bent-edged spatula to lift the bird up during transfer, to hold it together. Carve the breasts or remove the parts you want, reserve the juices to add to soup or make gravy for leftovers. The juices will be quite rich in fat, so place it in the refrigerator to cool and skim off

the fat before using. Serve the rotisserie chicken with fresh vegetables and a starch, like potato or rice, if you like...Enjoy!!